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The special issue Writing Urban Places: New Narratives for the European City, marks the culmination of an international research network that delved into the intricate interplay between communities, urban spaces and narratives. At its core, this endeavour introduced an inventive approach aimed at deepening our comprehension of urban communities, their dynamics and their rootedness, all through the lens of narrative methodologies. This collection gives an account of the dynamics of this network of academics, which consists of over 175 individuals from 35 different European countries and a variety of disciplinary backgrounds. As such, the issue offers a conclusion to the Writing Urban Places COST Action while also providing a springboard for further reflections and discussions on urban narratives, and the role these could play in spatial developments in the European city.


a view on delft

As Delft is the city where the Writing Urban Place network originated, and where many members of the network have lived, studied or lectured, or are still doing all the above, the Delft-related colleagues provide their views on Delft, painting for our readers, in words, their accounts of the socio-spatial characteristics of this city, their relationship with the water, their favourite urban places, their personal Views of Delft.

The poetry of the everyday can be found in the Verzetstrijdersbuurt, a place that looks extremely ordinary at first sight, but shows its special qualities when you step away from the streets. At the backsides the unique qualities of the urban forest show themselves as a diverse spatial sequence, with a rich palette of ecological and experiential expressions. 

In Klaske Havik Susana Oliveira Jorge Mejia Hernandez Holly Dale ed. WritingPlace No. 8 9. New Narratives for the European City nai010 publishers 2023. pp. 322-324.